Sign the Wall if you're an Otaku and proud of it!

Sign the OU Wall!



  1. Alright everyone. I've finally figured out a way to set up a chat room for you. Go ahead and use this to talk with each other about anything anime related you so please at any time.

  2. Wow, you're not giving up on this whole chat room thing. But this is certainly much better than your last attempt.

  3. Thanks! I really wanted a way that you guys can chat with each other about anything anime related you wanted and I figured a chat room would be the best way to do it. And even I agree that this was my best attempt yet.

  4. Hello Anonymous. Are you new here? Street Savvy probably hasn't been here yet because he's been busy working on his new page about Kabuki plays. I'm just an anime fan who really likes what he's striving to do with this website. I'm pretty much a regular here. Nice to meet you by the way.

  5. Hi Anonymous! Minako emailed me that you were here. And she's right about me being very busy working on my page about Kabuki plays. But I made sure to stop in the middle of my research to come here. Nice to meet you and welcome to Otaku Universe. Enjoy the website and if you have any questions or you want to suggest something that you'd like to see or that I can improve on, be sure to let me know.

  6. Hi Anonymous! Would've been here earlier but was a little busy lately. Welcome to Otaku Universe!

  7. Hi!!!! Are you another fan of this website like me, or is this your first time here?
